Darla Westlake (RamZ) and Sharon Westergard (Taz) split the win on the 100 at
Horse Ridge I, with Lindsey riding Lady bug for 3rd, 1st jr and jr BC. 9
started and finished. Becky Fiedler and Aurber won 50, with Arlene Neale
(Mr. Pinto) 2nd and Terry Huff (Rabu) 3rd and BC. 27? or so, started. Darla
and Alexann won the 50 on day 2, (on RT Muffin and Rebel) with BC going to a
woman from Spokane, can't remember her name. 17 started and finished. sorry
I'm so incomplete and poor with names. Greg had a nice loop with the hold
out of camp. One of his better rides.