You bring up a very good question, one that I'm currently pondering
over at the same time. I'll try to be brief.
I just moved my horse, Mystery, to Pt.Reyes and am riding him 2-3
times a week. He's quickly learned the trails, knows where he lives,
and has never worked so hard. This is fairly recent and the last few
rides he starts misbehaving as soon as we come to the turn off out on
the trails or the loop home.
I've had to deal with him becoming very angry in this situation and
calmly, quietly insist he goes in the direction I choose. I do not
work him hard every ride, some are planned to be quiet rides to a
grassy meadow for grazing. Some are, of course, a good workout. Once
we head out he gets slower and slower until I ask him to trot out
nicely then slow again once he has.
Once we are away from the loop and intersections, he brightens up,
wants to go go go and becomes interested in the trail. But I feel SO
BAD he behaves this way in the beginning.
So, I think there are so many factors involved, where you are, who
you are with, mentality of the horse. They don't understand on some of
these training rides why they must work and climb that hill at a
Lastly, Mystery's never been overly competitive (he is 10 this year)
and we ride his pace...not the pace of a pure arab but arab/morgan with
mostly morgan dominate it seems...and that is fine. The more we go,
the maturer he is becoming, the more competitive he is getting...but he
will NEVER be a 100 mile horse, and mostly likely not a dominate 50
miler. But we have so many trails and wonderful places to ride here in
Marin that I am happy with how I ride and he doesn't need to be.
But we must still deal with this "spoiled" attitude on evening
training rides, especially when we go on our own. I expect it to get
better. (I can hear those giggles out there!).
Good luck!
Kimberly (&Mystery the Arab..... "but I was brought up on the good
life..100 acres and nothing but play......")
Pt.Reyes, CA