ridecamp@endurance.net: Re: Towing Vehicles.

Re: Towing Vehicles.

Tue, 1 Jul 1997 23:46:03 -0400 (EDT)

Hi, I personally won't consider towing with anything less than a 3/4 ton.
It's not only the power for towing you need to think about,,,,but don't
forget all those Crazy drivers out there,,,,so THINK about the STOPPING power
and how much weight you'll have pushing you when you try to stop fast. Just
a thought. ClaireIIme

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From: "Joe Long" <jlong@mti.net>
To: ridecamp@endurance.net
Subject: Re: Porno Promos thru e-mail
Date: Wed, 02 Jul 1997 17:06:57 GMT
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On Wed, 2 Jul 1997 01:27:52 -0700 (PDT), Leonard LIESENS =

>If any of us decide to send tons of message to the originator of those
>mails and by this way filling up their mail server, it should convince
>them not the use the net for those purposes!
>What do you think?

NONONO! Bad idea!!!!

PLEASE do not do this. "Mailbombing" is considered unethical by most =
folks. One reason is that you not only hurt the intended victim, you =
the mail servers and end up hurting many innocent users as well. For =
reason, most ISP's will terminate the account of anyone found to be =

Besides, most spammers -- and I would guess, especially porn spammers -- =
do not
use legitimate return addresses because they fear just such retaliation. =
want you to call their 800 number or go to their website. Some spammers
actually "steal" their e-mail by hacking into innocent mail servers to =
their junk.


Joe Long
Business Page http://www.mti.net
Personal Page http://www.rnbw.com

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Date: Wed, 2 Jul 97 09:07:41 PDT
From: "Sullys Maze" <Sully@Forsythe.Stanford.EDU>
To: ridecamp@endurance.net
Subject: Re: portable corrals
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REPLY TO 07/02/97 02:13 FROM ridecamp@endurance.net: Re: portable corrals

From: ClaireIIme@aol.com writes:
Hello,,,,Guess electric fences are OK for some. But I've been out helping
friends try to find their horses that got spooked during the night. We
finally found the horses two days later. Thank goodness they were not hurt.
I've always used the square tubing portables. They don't weigh that much
and bunggy cord them together in the back of your truck,,,pile your hay on
top of them etc....ct

I think the bottom line is that you use what works for your horse.
Over the years, I have seen horses severely injured that were in the
portable corrals (Camp Far West last year-the horse was unridable
and the panel looked like a pretzel), a horse badly hurt that was
tied to a trailer, and one that hung itself on a picket line.

I don't think you can say one way is superior to the other! It
depends on what works for you and the horse. The main advantage to
portable corrals is that they allow the horse to move around more.

I also don't think those portable metal corrals or PVC ones will do
any better a job of confining a truly frightened horse. They can go
right through them.


To: ridecamp@endurance.net

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Subject: Re: Tevis...questions...
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>What do some of you use or plan to use to stay hydrated well on the trail?
1. of course water 2. I used Exceed. It doesn't have a really delicious
flavor, very bland. but after I got so tired and thirsty I could drink tons
of that stuff because gatorade was too sweet. 3. Mountain Dew for the
caffeine pick up. 4. also one of those food drink supplements that you can
get at the grocery store like Ensure. 5. water most of all.

>What are some of the types of foods that you plan on eating?

1. Peanut butter/jelly sandwiches 2. bananas 3. oranges (really good) 4.
food drink supplement 5. I carried on the trail a thing called Quick pick
up, bought at the health food store, chewable tablets of healthy nutrients
with bee pollen and honey. 6. also lemon drops

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