We have tried tape and poly-wire, and by far, the white polywire is
the easiest to deal with and no problem for the horses to see. It
also seems to last the longest.
I am using a solar charger from Fi-shock, that cost about $120, and
has given me no problems.
I am not impressed with the "kits", as I think you can set up a
better system by buying the pieces individually. Also, there is no
reason I can see for having a kit to set up a 30 X 30 ft. corral.
While it would be nice to have one that large, most horse camps
won't allow it, and I doubt there would be that much room at a
typical endurance ride.
I pre-measure the wire at home, to corrals that are about 15 X 15,
which gives the horses enough room to move around, and only takes
8 posts.