> I recall being offended by several
> people who were verbally irritating when i pulled our horse just about 3
> miles form the finish.
I must confess to being a bit surprised by this statement (and a few
others I think I recall hearing recently on this forum that were in the
same vein).
I cannot, for the life of me, think of why anybody at a ride would care
one way or another if I chose to remove my horse from the competition
(whether it be 3 miles from the start or 3 miles from the finish); I
certainly can't imagine anybody caring enough to be "verbally irritating"
about it.
The most I have ever heard anybody say to anybody who chose to pull their
own horse is, "Well...you probably did the right thing. Better luck next
time." (There is certainly nothing irritating in that.) The strongest
statement that I could imagine hearing would be something along the lines
of, "Well...that's not what I would have done."
What exactly is this verbal abuse that is being heaped upon concientious
riders, and by whom???
Or was it your crew who castigated you for choosing not to complete (which
may be why I have never experienced this...never having ridden with a
crew)? I suppose that if your crew considered themselves to be a part of
the the "team" they might be justifiably upset if they felt that you were
"letting the side down." (One more reason not to ride with a crew??? :))
I am truly baffled by all these offensive things that are being said to
everybody but me. Am I missing something?
Orange County, Calif.