ridecamp@endurance.net: Re: Carrizo (Bakersfield) Ride
Re: Carrizo (Bakersfield) Ride
Linda H VanCeylon (lindavan.eqath@juno.com)
Wed, 25 Jun 1997 11:08:28 PST
On Tue, 24 Jun 1997 16:33:56 -0700 Jim Mitchell <navion@lightspeed.net>
>The ride for Oct 25 is off. The BLM made their final decision on
>appeal and it was still
>no. This was after we changed camp to private land and eliminated some
>scenic trails and
>stuck to roads. They felt the use was not compatable with the
>Carrizo's intent. (Which
>is to protect several endangered plants and animals) Even though they
>admitted our
>impact would be minimal, they were afraid of the precident we would
>set for other
>competitive events. (Such as motorcross races using the same roads).
>So anyway, it is a
>nice place to ride but don't race there!
>Jim Mitchell
>Bakersfield, Ca.
Jim, this really sucks. We are running into the same problems here with
the US Forest Service. It just depends on which district you deal with.
The guys in Wyoming are really great. But the Colorado divisions are
getting stickier and stickier and it's not usually because of endangered
species. It appears to be an aversion to equestrian use by SOME regional
administrators. But, that's only a conclusion I'm jumping too, not first
hand fact.
Beware Endurance Riders! Work with your local and regional trail
advocacy groups. If equestrians don't stand up and get counted as trail
users, and contribute to the trail upkeep, they'll lock the gate on us.
Linda VanCeylon & crew
Buhni, Sunny, Rain Man, Rabbit, & Fiddler
Rider Directory