ridecamp@endurance.net: 1997 World Cup Update
1997 World Cup Update
R. K. and L.D. Stewart (76147.1145@CompuServe.COM)
23 Jun 97 20:47:18 EDT
The AHSA Endurance Committee had a meeting June 21st during the Festival of
Champions.The AHSA Endurance Committee members are: Chair- Jerry Gillespie DVM;
Members: Maggie Price, Stagg Newman, Valerie Kanavy, Mitch Benson DVM, and Lori
After over an hour of discussions regarding the recently (April) approved and
more recently publicized (late May) FEI/ELDRIC World Cup Series and final in
Qatar (Nov 1997), a motion that the United States decline participation in this
year's series and final passed 4 to 1.
Two key issues that made participation unfeasible were 1) The late application
for approval of the series to the FEI makes it impossible for the USA to
sanction and host two open FEI qualifiers and give adequate time for riders to
plan their work and competition schedules for these events. 2) MANY unanswered
questions remain about the final that make it impossible to inform in a timely
manor competitors about the conditions under which they would be competing at
the final:Exact length of the race and EXACT date. Length of quarantine after
event (two months minimum and more like three) and where.What will quarantine
cost and who pays for the quarantine? Who is the president of the Veterinary
commission and on the staff? Will the veterinarians REALLY have control of the
welfare of the horses? Is there prize money and how much (there is nothing in
the literature only rumors). The questions go on and on.
All agreed the concept of a World Cup series for endurance is a sound one, but
it should be developed in accordance with FEI regulations that state application
must be made to the FEI secretariat Oct. 1, two years in advance of the
competition. That requirement was waived for ELDRIC/Qatar World Cup Series.
The letter to the FEI from AHSA will basically say we are supportive of a World
Cup Series and will participate in the future when sufficient notice is given to
sanction two qualifiers in North America and thus make the series open and
equitable to all our USA riders, AND complete details of the final are available
well in advance.
As a side note: Last week AHSA was notified that the Pan Am could NOT have an
open qualifier in conjunction with the championship. Only those selected to
compete may participate. Given this development and the other considerations,
it was decided that the United States would not participate. The issue was long
discussed and at times debated but a very sound decision was reached. We should
all remember that the United States is highly respected around the world and
when we participate in an event of this caliber, we give it a high level of
credibility and respectability. Also, please remember that in the United States
fair and equal access to opportunities is our first and foremost priority. Dane
Frazier, AERC President, was in attendance at the meeting and was in full
agreement with the outcome of the vote.
Lori Stewart, Vice Chair AERC International
E-mail from: R. K. and L.D. Stewart, 23-Jun-1997
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