ridecamp@endurance.net: Re: endurance dogs
Re: endurance dogs
Mon, 23 Jun 1997 11:39:40 -0400
I agree, dogs shouldn't go on the trails with riders. We used to let our
dogs follow us on rides, and they just got to be too much to handle. They
would chase deer (and other small furry things) not to mention make a
complete mess of themselves from all the dirt, mud and water. Not only
that, it got to the point that they wouldn't get out of the road when we
weren't in the woods. Yet on the ground they listen completely, there is
something about being in a saddle that they doen't listen as well. (Maybe
they know it would be too much of a hassle for me to get down and beat em
up!) Also, on occasion, when they come ripping out of the woods from
chasing something, they can startle the horses (that otherwise are
tolerant) While I love dogs, keep them off the trails.
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