ridecamp@endurance.net: Pony Express Days rides

Pony Express Days rides

Ed Paige (ag502@freenet.carleton.ca)
Sun, 22 Jun 1997 14:24:33 -0400 (EDT)

Here's an (unofficial) preliminary report on the 25- and 60-mile
endurance rides at the SHANNON DAVIDSON PONY EXPRESS DAYS in Motley
County, Texas on June 21, 1997. Information given below is probably
imperfect. Horses' names, and completion information for the 60-mile
ride, are missing because I had to leave for other appointments. Ride
managers were Jerry and Patricia ("P.K") Green, P.O. Box 02, Roaring
Springs, TX 79256; (806) 348-7953.

Ed Paige

25-MILE RIDE (start: 06:30 (?))

Rider Pulse HR Finish
number under order Rider name
------ ----- -- ------ ------------------
214 09:33 na 1 Tracy Webb-Hoskins
201 09:40 na 2 Judy Collier
221 09:42 na 3 Debbie Allen
240 09:47 na 4 Denise Valenzuela
207 09:48 na 5 Shahid Khawaja
217 09:52 na 6 Dale Horst
228 09:56 16 7 Bill Allen
218 09:57 16 8 Beth Cobb
239 09:57 15 9 Robert Cortes
205 09:59 16 10 Jenny Conway
206 10:00 14 11 Florence Buckner
210 10:02 15 12 Alexander Vingas
229 10:03 16 13 Lynna Ann Ray
216 10:19 16 14 Bryan Nance
203 10:29 15 15 Mark John Ruhling
215 10:31 16 16 Jeanne Howard
226 10:32 16 17 Nesa McFall
235 10:37 14 18 Anita Burgess
236 10:37 15 19 Randall Pyles
209 10:43 13 20 Cynthia Prescott
211 10:43 13 21 Kelley Prescott
238 10:45 14 22 Judy Roberds
213 10:46 11 23 Sheila Garretson
220 10:52 16 24 Cleo Savage
219 10:53 13 25 Deana Lusk
212 11:21 16 26 Dr. Jim Phillips
204 12:02 15 27 Barbara Sondock
222 12:03 14 28 Bernice Cruikshank
225 12:12 14 29 Christine Aldridge
223 12:12 14 30 Tara Taylor
234 12:14 12 31 Nedda Galvan
233 12:15 15 32 Heida Abshire
232 12:15 15 33 Jennifer Abshire
208 12:16 13 34 Mark Schrader
237 12:19 16 35 Pennye Ducwall
224 ----- -- -- Marsha Taylor (pulled)
227 ----- -- -- Tami Lemme (pulled)
230 ----- -- -- Vern Hunt (pulled)
231 ----- -- -- Debbie Hunt (pulled)
202 ----- -- -- -------------- (no start)

39 started, 35 completed

60-MILE RIDE (start: 06:00 (?))

Rider Cross HR Finish
number finish order Rider name
------ ----- -- ------ ------------------
615 13:23:09 15 1 Thomas Booth
612 13:23:10 15 2 Ceci Butler
610 13:25:09 14 3 Michael Campbell
608 13:30:25 15 4 Tyler Keen
613 13:47:18 16 5 Crystal Jacobs
601 -------- -- - Marilyn Houlihan
602 -------- -- - Carolyn Hosmer
603 -------- -- - Val Jaffe
604 -------- -- - Mike Jaffe (pulled, rider option)
605 -------- -- - Paulette Brehob
606 -------- -- - Jim Matthess
607 -------- -- - Sue Phillips
609 -------- -- - Virginia Merkel
611 -------- -- - Karen Schrader
614 -------- -- - Darolyn Butler
616 -------- -- - Rose Cadena

16 started.


The nation has many problems, but there are few that a couple more years of public-sector shrinkage and a little global warming wouldn't fix. -- Tom Radcliffe (tom@mips2.phy.queensu.ca)

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