> -- [ From: ROBERT J MORRIS * EMC.Ver #2.5.02 ] --
> Randy's short article really tells it like it should be and how many of us
> view the sport.
> Just got back from a few days of the XP ride down in Nevada. That is just
> how it was and how it should be. Spoke with many friends who go back to
> earlier days and we discussed many of the things we like and dislike about
> this on-line discussion group.
So, what conclusions did you come to? I enjoy the list tremendously, in
spite of the occasional squabbles. It is a worthy resource, and,
*sometimes* I feel smart enough to throw in my $.02.
I especially feel priveleged to be able to share the insights and
experience of you "old timers" (no offense from a newbie!!). There is no
way I could have learned so much so fast by muddling through it on my own.
Thank you all!
I am interested in the conversation to follow, concerning endurance
philosophy. I was around as a junior, doing CTR's in the 80's .... after a
long break from horses I'm trying endurance now as an adult. The attitudes
and practices have changed a great deal in just the past decade! Mainly for
the good, in my opinion. The sport is growing quickly, and change is
inevitable .... in any sport there is always a nostalgic longing for "the
way things were" when it was smaller, and everybody knew everybody else, and
it seems like there were fewer rules and regulations, and technology was for
the office, not the trail! Even so, I find that there is a continuing
theme among endurance riders and ride managers.....a creed of sorts.....
they remain generous, thoughtful, and sportsmen/women to the last! (Kudos
to those riders at the OD who took the time to remark the trail for their
competetors!!! Now THAT is sportsmanship!)
You ride managers out there..... the sport relies on you and the many
volunteers for its continued existence. Thank you all for the time, effort,
expense, and most of all for giving something back to this sport. Someday I
hope to be able to do the same; in the meantime, I'll volunteer whenever I
Shannon W. LVT
Laingsburg, MI
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