ridecamp@endurance.net: farrier questions

farrier questions

Mon, 16 Jun 1997 09:00 -0800 (PST)

I have two questions re: farriers. First, my farrier requires me to be there
holding my horse by her halter lead while he trims and shoes her. Is this
normal? I haven't asked him about this but it is getting to be a hassle. I
don't mind occasionally being there because I often have questions and
do want to know what is being done to my mare but every time? (This is
my first horse, so if this is a stupid question you know why <BG>!)

Second question. Lately after my mare is shod she is pretty sore in the
front. My trainer wants me to switch farriers. I have been pleased with
the work that the current farrier has been doing up to now. I had him help
us through some hoof problems which turned out pretty good. Just
recently the pads were removed from the front hooves and she was
doing OK until this last shoeing. Should I just go ahead and switch to the
farrier my trainer recommends or should I give this farrier a chance to
"fix" whatever is wrong.

Thanks for any advice I really appreciate all the great advice so many of
you have given me!!

Andrea Faustina

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