ridecamp@endurance.net: Re: natural trim,plugged ducts

Re: natural trim,plugged ducts

Shannon Loomis (loomis.102@ohio-state.edu)
Thu, 12 Jun 1997 23:12:44 -0400

> I have read several times that an over looked cause for stumbling is
>plugged tear ducts.....OK, I have no idea why this would influence
>stumbling...can anyone enlighten me?


Star has been diagnosed with plugged nasolacrimal (tear) ducts. They cause
him to have a bald face if the dust and flies are bad and I don't keep his
face clean, but have no effect on his eyesight whatsoever. He doesn't
stumble or squint or show any problems. I do make sure he has a fly fringe
on when he goes out because the extra moisture attracts bugs, but beyond
that, I can't say that blocked ducts have been a problem for him.
Certainly not stumbling.

Shannon Loomis and Quail Meadow Star

ps - my farrier thinks the 4-point trim is a bunch of hooey. Why would you
expect the hoof to support weight on only 4 points? Use the entire wall
and spread out the weight.

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