ridecamp@endurance.net: markings


tina hicks (hickst@puzzler.nichols.com)
Wed, 11 Jun 1997 10:37:34 -0500

At 06:48 AM 6/11/97 -0700, Niccolai Murphy wrote:

>4. You are responsible for yourself and your animal, NOT the ride
>manager. Ribbons get blown away, eaten by cows, pulled down by boy
>scouts trying to keep the country side tidy, etc. Worst comes to the
>worst you can always go back the way you came.

so.....once the ride manager puts up the ribbons that's IT? the
responsibility for a marked trail ends there?

if that's the case why have ribbons/trail markings at all?? Just give us a
topo map/compass and send us on our way....

Oh wait, there is something like that - it's called Competitive Mounted
Orienteering (or something to that effect) - NOT endurance riding


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