I do hope you realize that the note I wrote which Steve Shaw forwarded to
Ridecamp was absolutely not intended by me to be made public; it was
inexcusable of him to have posted it without my knowledge. As a matter of
fact, as a fellow ride manager, I made a point during the day to try to
assuage the feelings of other riders who became confused about which way to
go. It's true, I did yell out "hey, which way do I go?".... a couple times
when I left vet checks and couldn't find my way. I was more embarrassed
than anything.
I also hope you noticed that in my note, I did not complain about the trail
markings myself, but basically made excuses for myself in having become lost
so many times by noting that I wasn't the only one, and commenting about the
"bitching and moaning" which poor Jessica heard from some riders. I was not
one of those who complained. When asked, I did tell volunteers that it
would be a good idea to send someone out to re-mark various parts of the
trail, as some people were becoming lost. I know that as a ride manager, I
would have wanted to know such information.
And while I'm defending myself, let me also comment that I also did not
"complain" about the rocky trail...I only said that I chose to ride slower
on some parts because of all the rocks. Personally, I prefer a trail with
challenges, because then I have a greater chance to do well on the race, as
I rarely am the fastest rider out there, but try to be one of the smartest ones.
Anyhow, I really didn't want to go "public" to defend myself against the
charge of whining, which was the exact opposite intent of the euphoric note
I originally wrote, but I do value the opinion of you ridecampers.
I hope you take this letter in the spirit in which it is intended, which is
in friendship.
Best regards,