ridecamp@endurance.net: Top of the Rock results

Top of the Rock results

Lois McAfee (rmcafee@venus.net)
Tue, 10 Jun 1997 11:55:06 -0400 (EDT)

Here is the ride results for the Top of the Rock endurance ride held June 7.
We had 3 rides 25, 50, 100.
25mile results**21 started and 20 finished.
1st place***Pat Sowders on TLf Agressor*2hrs:31 minutes
2nd place**Wes Knox on Cozy*2hrs:31 minutes
3rd place***Phil Sowders on FM Bask Command*2hrs:31 minutes
4th place***Karen McCulley *2hrs:49 minutes*1st ride
5th place***Jerry Culberson*3hrs:15 minutes
6th place***Jerry Fruth on AABA Peavine*3hrs:17 minutes
7th place***Barb Jefferson on Cricket*3hrs:35 minutes
8th place***Janet Kirkpatrick on Butch*3hrs:43 minutes
9th place***Barb MIckler*3hrs:57 minutes
10th place*Mickey Creech on Fax Simile*3hrs:57 minutes
11th place*Sandy White*4hrs:22 minutes
12th place*Barb Oberhaus on Ead Al-Fessoh*4hrs:38 minutes
13th place*Jo Decker on Satans Fire-Khan*4hrs:38 minutes
14th place*Tudor Hayes*4hrs:42 minutes
15th place*Denise Culberson on Nappillee*4hrs:47 minutes
16th place*Tracy Walradth on SF Asmaru - Sabask*4hrs:47 minutes
17th place*Sandy Page on SL Imatez*4hrs:48 minutes
18th place*Darcy Zimmer on Ethan*4hrs:59 minutes
19th place*Kevin Farmer on Bently*5hrs:00 minutes * Junior rider*First
endurance ride*
20th place*Randy Farmer on Star Buck*5hrs:01 minutes
50 miles ride results **22 started and 17 finished**5 starting juniors
1st place**Linda Hamrick on Sugars Shenanigans*6hrs:03 minutes*1st LW
2nd place*Amy Whelan on Amoress*6hrs:04 minutes*Best condition*2nd LW
3rd place**Diane Potts on Krynatia+*6hrs:12 minutes*3rd LW
4th place**Bill Wilson on CH Astradini*6hrs:33 minutes*1st MW
5th place**Donna Rich on Be What*6hrs:33 minutes*2nd MW
6th place**Amy Yatsko on LMS Desert Storm*6hrs:33 minutes*4th LW
7th place**Sheila Noel on GT Reno*6hrs:35 minutes*1st FW
8th place**Connie Peach on PF McCoys Flyer*6hrs:36 minutes*2nd FW
9th place**Teresa Searcy on Proud Sailor*6hrs:53 minutes*3rd FW
10th place*Suzanne Gillion on Ithra Patron*6hrs:57 minutes*4th FW
11th place*Ashley Kissick on Es Kandor*7hrs:38 minutes*1st Junior and 1st 50
mile ride*Congrats*
12th place*Kathy Kissick on KK Furino*7hrs:38 minutes*
13th place*Chris Eickleberry on WR Cowboy*8hrs:51 minutes
14th place*Tara Owens on TS Park*9hrs:01 minutes
15th place*Julie Abrams on Mellarille*9hrs:25 minutes
16th place*Russell Nielson on Wigwam*9hrs:39 minutes*Jr ridder and 1st
endurance ride(not bad starting on a fifty
17th place*Gary Holmes on Decoda*9hrs:39 minutes
100 mile results**4 started and 2 finished
1st place*Trisha Stricker on Fayeks Fatima*14hrs:42 minutes*1st 100 and has
only been ridding since December 1996*My son Matt's girlfriend*Congrats!!!!!!
2nd place*Lois McAfee on Gallant Legacy*14hrs:42 minutes*Gallant Legacy
first 100 mile ride and he won Best Condition
Tina Rich on WW MiiMandee pulled for Metobolics
Carolyn Sullivan on Orans Santee pulled for Lameness
I want to add that everyone done a great job with the conditions as we had
rain and mud out the wazoo.
The Vets Dwight Hooten and Mike Hauble did a great job as usual!
Only in Endurance can people ride in adverse conditions without moaning and
groaning and come in with smiles on their faces along with the mud that was
on them from head to toe! My hat goes off to them for all of their guts!
Robert E. McAfee
Ride Manager
Just remember we will do it again Oct 18, 1997 at the same place and
hopefully drier weather!
Thanks to all who rode and to all my volunteers without you cannot put on a

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