Many factors that can attract riders are beyond the control of Ride
Managers, such as the beauty of the area, numbers of riders in the area,
etc...but one thing that is definitely under the control of anyone who
manages a ride is "ATTITUDE" and GOOD Public Relations.
In my opinion it is important to keep the endurance ride "Rider Friendly"
and refund is just a small part of the attitude that falls under that
definition. ( Actually, I find it hard to believe that refunds are a
major factor as it is so rare that a refund situation actually occurs.)
What is Rider Friendly? It is knowing by first name every entry to your
ride, being aware of how they are doing during and after the ride. Being
available to help, to offer suggestions, having extra coolers, sheets,
blankets to loan out...knowing who has some extra hay, electrolytes,
bran, etc. To be a good Ride Manager requires more than keeping track of
the requires a sincere concern for all your riders and
their really want them to have a good time at your be a coach, trainer, shoulder to cry on, a hard task driver at
times, and most important, a team player for all the horse/rider teams at
your ride.
To defend refunds and belittle those of us that give refunds is a glass
house situation. To use the excuse of "Campground expense", govt. entity
fees, etc. is just not real valid in my opinion because most Ride
Managers in all areas of the country have similar types of expenses, USFS
or BLM, Base Camp Fees, bathroom & facility expenses, awards, insurance,
etc....All Ride Managers have expenses - maybe they fall under different
titles but they are expenses just the same.
When the fat is all boiled away, what the "REFUND" discussion reveals is
how different Ride Managers conduct business..that is all. No shame in
that, if that works for you then great..and what works for those of us
with a different philosophy is great. too. Oh, by the way, a few of the
"NO REFUNDS" proponents willingly accepted refunds from my rides when
they could not go on.....I guess it is just in the attitude.