When we need to see the vet for any other reason, we will post a notice on
the bulletin board to see which horses need attention (from injuries to
teeth floating) and have him come out for the afternoon and do several
horses, again splitting the visit fee. This is an economical way to get
quality care.
If you keep your horses on your own property, you might see if any close
neighbors want to coordinate for the vet to come out and do several close
farms in one afternoon. You need to have a coggins pulled once a year (at
least) anyway, so get the shots done at the same time. Trailering your
horses for shots & regular exams is also a possibility. Either way,
you'll save money on the visit fee and still get the best care,
worry-free, for your horses.
I'm a firm believer in paying the experts to do their jobs, whenever I
can possibly afford it.
Glenda & Lakota in Lower Alabama