My thoughts exactly... and while you're at it, why not have the vet do
a physical and floating all in one fell swoop? I do that every spring
before serious training and it doesn't cost that much for the peace of
Two of my friends have lost horses to anaphylaxis after shots. Their
hearts just stopped. The vets know how to administer epinephine to the
heart muscle and do emergency artificial resusitation. Even though your
horse has never had a reaction before does not mean you're safe
thereafter. It can happen while giving shots of any kind.
Another thing that should be pointed out is that just because you have
a gelding and don't really worry about him getting Rhino, you should be
concerned about the welfare of neighboring horses and farms. We had one
lady here take her horse to a show and he came down with it and infected
pregnant mares at a friend's. That friend lost two foals in utero. We
have to look out for each other in this horse business.
Nikki and Jakar