usually tho, horses that scalp will get the skin too and will show some
pain along front of cannon bone.
>> This horse has medium to long pasterns upfront, but other than that is
>>pretty> much conformationally correct, ( a 14.2 Arab).
>Just overeaching.You may want to have your farrier slow his back feet
>down a bit or speed up breakover in the front. Maybe he's due for a trim
>soon and is getting a bit long in front so slower in breaking over?
Don't slow down the back feet. Speed up the front. Most horses are shod
with too long of a toe anyway. Move his breakover back and make sure his
inside/outside heels are equal. Have a vet check..hard to tell swelling
from cyber description like I said before. You might not have overstressed
him but he might have just hit himself.
Kim Henneman, DVM