Sounds more like an overuse thing like a tendinitis which is an
inflammatory reaction to friction in the tendon sheath.
> The horse is not lame, and I certainly have seen worse swelling(in another horse I had), but it is uniform swelling about 1/4 of an inch in that whole area.
> We just did a 15 mile training ride in the mountains (probably the most load I've put on this horse since his training began 6 weeks ago)...with alot of climbing, and more cantering and trotting than he has done so far.
> Is it fair to say without anyone seeing this horse, that I obviously
> over-stressed him?
YES, but not badly.
> Also, I have never seen this before, but i am noticing *clips* of hair missing from the front of his rear legs (cannon bones) he could be clipping himself ??? And it's all up and down that area...not just in one spot. No swelling, just hair missing, and no lameness.
He probably is scalping himself with his front hoofs as they are
breaking over and flexing at the fetlock the hind is coming too close
and getting nicked by the front edge of the hoof.
> This horse has medium to long pasterns upfront, but other than that is pretty> much conformationally correct, ( a 14.2 Arab).
Just overeaching.You may want to have your farrier slow his back feet
down a bit or speed up breakover in the front. Maybe he's due for a trim
soon and is getting a bit long in front so slower in breaking over?
Happy Tails
Susan, Sabian, and the Fly Bye