I've learned that it's always cheaper in the long run to buy the best to
start with (translation: buy the most expensive thing to start with)
If you have more than one horse, pick colors that will work with both
horses. Whether you plan on it or not, some items end up getting used on
each horse.
I would have started right out getting a sports saddle, it would have saved
*me* a great deal of rider problems (knees).
>What do y'all think of this 'Bio-Thane' stuff?
It's GREAT!!! Since getting biothane, I have gotten rid of every piece of
leather or nylon tack that I had. Biothane is strong and durable, comes in
lots of colors, is easy to care for and lasts and lasts. It also has never
made a single rub spot on either of my horses, and they are fully decked out
in the stuff right down to their biothane cinches.
>Should he be shoed or barefoot?
Mine have to be shod, though we do use easy boots in the winter. Most of
the rides in the West region state in their rules that horses (or mules)
must be shod or have some sort of hoof protection. You might want to check
and see what is required in your region and what other riders do.
Another thing I'd like to point out; what we ride with, in, on, with or
without is often just a matter of personal preference and that is something
we all have to learn about on our own! :)
Happy Trails,
in Gardnerville
& Dream Weaver 700 miles
& Rocky 100 miles :-)
+ 155 LD miles :))