Mike Sofen
Seattle, WA
> >
> >How many of us drive 6 or 8 hours to a ride, take a day off from
> work,
> >etc.... to just wimp out for no good reason once we get there?? *Not
> many* -
> >no one I know anyway. I mean really, when I go to a ride there are
> very few
> >things that are going to keep me from riding - *esp* if I've already
> paid a
> >deposit or the entire fee.....and those things are going to be
> legitimate
> >reasons.
> >
> >I'm on the side of offering refunds - however, no refund would not
> cause me
> >to boycott a ride.
> >
> >Tina - who hasn't managed a ride and may change her tune when does
> :-)
> >hickst@nichols.com
> Tina is right. It cost more to get to a ride than the fee for the
> ride!
> Most people will ride rain or shine. In the Southeast region you will
> start out rides in absolutely miserable weather. Starting out a 100
> mile
> ride in 40 degrees and rain in the morning turnig to 30 degrees and
> cold
> drizzle by night 9 PM - been there, done that, got the T-shirt to
> prove it
> (and top tenned to boot). No, in my experience it is not the 50 and
> 100
> milers that drive for hours to do the ride that are the ones that
> decide
> not to ride at a whim.
> The people that tend to be the problem are the people that drive an
> hour
> and plan on doing the 25. These people should know what the local
> forcast
> is before the arrive - since they just live doen the road. They take
> up
> camping space, they are fed (usually on Friday night), they take
> advantage
> of the donuts, rolls and coffe on Saturday. By providing a full
> refund,
> the remainder of the riders are subsidizing these riders.
> I believe that riders that cannot start should get some refund (they
> still
> should pay for the services they use such as food). But riders that
> will
> not start, is a different issue. The rest of us are paying for these
> fokes.
> On my rides any "profits" are donated to local trial clubs for the
> imporvemnt of horse trails, building camping facilities, etc. in the
> area
> the ride is being given. The profits go to investing into the trails
> for
> future rides and for all riders to enjoy. By subsidizing those riders
> that
> will not start (note I said will not rather than can not) we are all
> losing.
> I believe in subsidizing junior riders not dead beats!
> Flame away.
> Truman
> Truman Prevatt
> Mystic "The Horse form Hell" Storm with a lille hellion on the way
> Danson "Deamon in Training" Flame
> Sarasota, FL