I would definately call Sharon Saare about a saddle to fit Hal.
She now has 8 or 9 tree sizes, and has succesfully fitted many many horses in
the USA and in Europe. I too went through Thousands of dollars of saddles,
until I found Sharon...and will never go to anything else. She is a wealth of
information, and very honest. There have been a few horses she cannot fit, and
will say so. She is in this for the horses., ( of course it is how she makes
her living too...but her main goal has always been the comfort of the horses).
I highly recommend at least calling her before you go any further.
I personally have owned a Dipietra saddle, 3 Aussie saddles (one of which had
a regular western-style tree), a Big Horn endurance (which is OK for an
inexpensive saddle), and an english County saddle.
Sharon's # is 303-678-5968
PS I now have her new Ultra-Light saddle, and IT IS SWEET! Fits my horse like
a dream and only weighs 19lbs. She sometimes has used saddles too, as she
takes her old ones back in trade if you get a new horse, or your horse muscles
up and really changes sizes (like he's going through a growth spurt or