ridecamp@endurance.net: RE: Refunds

RE: Refunds

Mike Sofen (a-miksof@MICROSOFT.com)
Tue, 27 May 1997 09:44:03 -0700

In other competitive events with entry fees, refunds are only given if
the event itself is canceled, or if the competitor cancels their entry
within X days of the event. Many events have a no refund policy within
24 hours of the event.

Even more extreme, for the larger events like state/regional team roping
where up to 500 riders will be registering, they cut of registration at
2 weeks prior to the event - if you haven't registered by then, you
don't get in at all, and refunds are issued up to 7 days before the
event, none after.

While that policy is a bit extreme for endurance events where turnouts
are relatively small, I think a policy of no refunds after check in is
more than reasonable, and is FAR more accomodating than other
disciplines. For the sport to grow (or even self-sustain), both riders
and organizers must be willing to shoulder part of responsibility for
events, and event organizers have a far higher load to carry than do the
riders - if they get burned too many times, then that event will

The flip side is, it is the riders that MAKE the event, so organizers
must make them as attractive as possible, but, in my opinion, that
doesn't mean handing out refunds after a rider checks in.

Mike Sofen
Seattle, WA

> -----Original Message-----
> From: K S Swigart [SMTP:katswig@deltanet.com]
> Sent: Tuesday, May 27, 1997 9:16 AM
> To: RUN4BEAR@aol.com
> Cc: ridecamp@endurance.net
> Subject: Re: Refunds
> On Tue, 27 May 1997 RUN4BEAR@aol.com wrote:
> > I still say, they have had the benefit of a vet looking at their
> horse (and
> > still do), having a camping spot and use of facilites, etc. 1/2
> refund.
> I am probably a little more hard nosed than this. I am of the opinion
> that once the horse is vetted in and passes the pre-ride vet check,
> the
> horse and rider are presumed to have started the ride.
> I already think that most rides have VERY liberal refund policies if
> you
> choose not to start, to expect the ride to refund fees AFTER you have
> vetted in is, I think, a bit much.
> I am not a ride manager; I am only a rider. I would never dream of
> asking
> for a refund after I had vetted in my horse. If something happens
> between
> night and morning that preculdes me from going out on the trail, I
> figure
> that that's my tough luck.
> I have always simply assumed that this was the case (as many ride
> entry
> forms that I have gotten have stated "checks not cashed until horse is
> vetted in."
> I'll have to look to see if the AERC has a rule about this (i.e. when
> is a
> horse considered to have "started" a ride, and therefore, if it does
> not
> finish--even if that means never going out on the trail--it is counted
> as
> a non-completion).
> kat
> Orange County, Calif.

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