ridecamp@endurance.net: Re: Rest stops

Re: Rest stops

Ken Schleman (kenny@rapidnet.com)
Thu, 22 May 1997 14:47:12 -0600

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The one in Spokane Wa is a good one with hot showers and all the cedar
shavings you can load for a small fee. We took a trip to the Woolly
Bully ride in Washington and stayed at fairgrounds all the way and it
was a great way to travel with horses and fun. I recommend it to all.

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The one in Spokane Wa is a good one with hot showers and all the cedar shavings you can load for a small fee. We took a trip to the Woolly Bully ride in Washington and stayed at fairgrounds all the way and it was a great way to travel with horses and fun. I recommend it to all.
Ken --------------A54B1381B5845F4837A27338--

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