ridecamp@endurance.net: Tule Blues, a view from the back

Tule Blues, a view from the back

Becky Hackworth (bechack@flash.net)
Tue, 20 May 1997 11:12:56 -0700

Here it is Tuesday morning. I finally have had time to mull over the
weekend. It started on Thursday, when riding buddy Charla ended up pulling,
unable to make this ride. I was depressed. Should I go without her? YUP.
Heather and I will just have to go it alone. But you are never alone with
ridecamp! There are so many people from ridecamp that I now know, not just
sort of recognize from being in a check in line with, or ride along with for
2 or 3 miles. These are people I have shared saddle fit questions, to
training questions. Trailer preferences, favorite horse storries from
childhood. These are FRIENDS.

So I relaxed Thursday evening, instead of packing. Friday morning, I let my
body tell me when to get up instead of setting the alarm. Knew I wasn't
going to get much sleep Friday night. (boy was I right) Daughter Heather
and I packed slowly. Heather seemed to be in a hurry and beginning to
stress. I told her, it's only 2 hours away, the vetting doesn't start until
2, and it's only 8:15. We have plenty of time.

I have bought a new used camper, but am in the process of rebuilding the
corners for the jacks (learned something new) so opted to "tent it" since we
were in no danger of freezing to death. The problem with going from one
camper to a pile in the garage waiting for the new camper is all the little
stuff you have to think of and pack. Like the spare toothbrush/toothpaste.
The salt and sugar, the COFFEE. These things normally "live" in my camper.
Boy, what motivation to go finish the new camper! Load the camper to the
truck, hook up the trailer and go is a whole lot easier!

Get to the ride in plenty of time, vet early with no line :-) All A's for
both horses. Gina picking at her food, not drinking (what's new)
Annie(Heather's horse) eating and drinking up a storm ( 3 flat back buckets
of water, and 3 hay nets full of hay, along with 6 lbs of pellets. This is
before the ride. At the check-in office, there are already rumblings of
lets get this ride started EARLY to beat the heat tomorrow! LOTS of support
for this one. This was a 75-50-25. At the ride meeting, it was agreed to
start at 5, 5:30 and 6. A cheer went up. All went well until I went to
bed. You forget how much noise there is in camp with 100 strange horses,
and no camper to muffle the sounds. I was finally just dosing off and
someone decided to run between my tent and the camper next door. She triped
on the rope holding the tent up and I thought it was all going to come
crashing down. After my heart stopped racing, I did finally dosed off, but
not for long. The 30 some odd corrals were way too close to the tent.
There was kicking and squeeling all night long.

Somehow I was able to keep my eyes open the next morning. The adrenalyn I
guess. This was only our 2nd 50 attempt. Got tacked up fine, no tempers
flaring from Mom or kid. Horses behaving. Walked around. Got off to a
nice start, no "pack" of horses. Then, Heather is having trouble with
Annie, Annie just wants to get going. We are holding them back due to the
length of the ride(still new to us). Now Heather is oddly positioned on the
saddle. Yes, we have to stop to tighten the cinch. A LOT. Finally able to
get back on the horses. The calm horses now getting very impatient as 10 or
so horses pass us duing this mess. At least we found a wide spot to stop.
adjustments shouldn't happen! This is all in the first mile!

Just as we get back on there is a lot of commotion ahead. LOOSE HORSE.
Great. We crest the hill. No horse in sight, just a rider, uninjured,
walking after the horse. I felt guilty going on....

Now things settle in to getting on down the trail. We pass a few, get
passed by a few. Nothing unusual here. The trail footing is a little hard,
but no ruts over undulating hills. This ride would have been real pretty,
but there were NO TREES.

About 10 miles out or so, Susie Kelly is riding toward us. Now, I don't
remember anywhere on this loop where we double back, and Susie is doing the
75. Yes, Susie is lost. She continuse to ride away, trying to find out
where she went wrong. We get to Vet check #1, Gina even starts to drink a
little. Annie is doing well. Heather is very good at the whole
vet/check/rest/pee routine. I don't need to check on her at all.

Leave Vet#1, and the group is starting to space out a lot. In fact we
didn't see anything but hoof prints for over an hour. Trail is still well
marked. There are fewer ribbons in some areas, but still ok.

Had wanted to do a fast morning, but ended up getting in to Vet #2 at 10:10.
About 1 hour later than I really wanted. Oh well, still had plenty of fime
to finish slowly.

All morning 'till now, it was cloudy, raining(spitting) at us, lightening
off in the distance. Perfect weather for a ride. Now we are leaving lunch,
and the sun comes out. It is muggy, and really getting hot. NEED TO PACK
MORE WATER. To late to go back for more now.

First water stop after lunch. Horses drink well. We drink. Sponge the
horses down. All going well. Then we start to get hotter and more tired.
The horses are getting tired. The counterclockwise loop to the right never
seems to make that turn to the left! It just went on and on and on...we
finally turn left and have a huge hill to climb back up ( 3 miles long! )
AND THERE ARE NO TREES! 10 minutes under a tree would have made a huge
difference. There was no moving air in that canyon either. Just 100
degrees, now out of water, no clouds, and no trees! Gina is breathing hard.
I actually get off and walk for a long time, trying to keep Gina going. She
seems to know, to trust that it will get better. She follows me without a
lead. Her tongue is draging.

We FINALLY circle back to that water stop, but they are out of people water.
My mouth has been cotton for over and hour. If there had been a horse
trailer there Gina and I would have gladly quit! 5 mile to the next vet
check. 5 MILES. I don't know about this. I truly begin to question my
sanity. Heather is doing very well. No crying. No real complaining. We
are both miserable. We decide to pull at the vet check. We can't even see
it yet, and I am beginning to wonder if we ever will. There are clouds off
over the mountains. I pray they will come and cover the sun and give us a

Vet check # 3. Heather and I have been holding hands for strength off and
on for the last 2 miles, thinking we have given this a real good try! We
just went too slow for the 1st 1/2. Live and learn. The horses drink and
drink and drink. Then they start to eat. I left Gina unattended at the
water to go find the people water. IT WAS COLD TOO. After 3 glasses of
water and 1 of gatorade, I sat on the picnic bench. Someone is asking me
for a Vet card. What do you mean she's at 14????? Vet checks out Gina.
Vet's assistant trots her out for me, FIT TO CONTINUE?!?! Who, us? You
must be high. There is no trailer waiting for us, and there are still
people behind us!!! What do you mean she got all A's. Annie got A+'s.
(damn horses. Can't quite now!) Vet keeps commenting on how good Annie looks!

Drag myself back on the horse. At least I didn't need a crane. And off we
go for the last 10 miles. It starts off going away from base camp and the
horses know it. Hard to make that turn for the last loop. Horses seem a
little perkier. Able to trot some. CLOUDS. Last water stop. only 5 mile
to go. Horses know it. We canter most of the last strech. Horses are
feeling MUCH BETTER NOW. I feel better. We can see camp again. I almost
start to cry! Heather is smiling.

I wanted to let the horses relax for a while befor final vet, but they are
anxious to finish up the 50's, we are ALMOST last. Ride time of 11:15. I
was actually able to trot out my own horse. Good scores. No problems.

Awards: Beautiful etched mugs. Very nice. Beginning to recognize most of
these people. Cheering for most for getting through this one.

Then Heather gets best conditioned Junior. Ok, so Annie did. Boy did that
make her day! Mom was sure proud.

1...Bring MORE water.

2. Go ahead and go a little faster in the cool to beat the heat.

3. These horses are amazing.

4. I love the people in this sport! Nothing but support from the
volunteers and friends back in camp. Thank you all.

Happy Trails to all.
Becky&Gina 2 50's (and 500 miles LD base)
Heather and Annie 2 50's (and 200 miles LD)

Thanks to all. Sorry this was so long.

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