ridecamp@endurance.net: Re: Natural Balance hoof

Re: Natural Balance hoof

Kimberly Henneman (vuduvet@utah-inter.net)
Tue, 20 May 1997 08:00:06 +0100

>Lauren Horn wrote:
>> Kimberly Henneman wrote:
>> Gene Ovnicek, the
>> > farrier who developed it has been in Phoenix twice the last two months.
>Is there anywhere that I could print out the info on the natural balance
>hoof to give to my farrier to read?
>Specific instructions, details etc?
>My farier is very competent and would like to learn this shoeing
>technique, so any help here would be appreciated.

Tracy: you cannot learn to do the technique from reading about it. Your
farrier MUST attend a seminar from Gene or go spend time with him or one of
his instructors. Gene's phone number is 406-892-2977. I would also
recommend spending time with Bill Heflin and Ben Shipard (Grand Junction,
CO - see Western Horseman 1/97). Bill's number is 970-248-3653; Ben's is
970-523-1445. There is also Doug Frazier in Pocatello, ID. His number is
208-897-5780. Articles to read include this months The Horse, Trail Blazer
(7/96) on Rediscovering the Natural Foot and January's WEstern Horseman.
Good luck.
Kim Henneman, DVM

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