ridecamp@endurance.net: Re: French "Arabians"/endurance bloodlines

Re: French "Arabians"/endurance bloodlines

Tracy Stampke (zebella@idt.net)
Mon, 19 May 1997 08:19:46 -0700

AkhalTeke2@aol.com wrote:

> Firstly, what does the head of a horse have to do (apart from when it's not
> biomechanically functional and sound) with riding the horse and its
> performance, especially in endurance/CTR, or its breed??? That any

Well, first of all, my comments were not a discussion on whether one
should choose a "pretty" horse over a functional one. BUT!

Horse ARE indeed a luxury in this day and age, and I personally would
rather look at a pretty horse in my pasure than some jug headed old
nag. That's my right and my option, and I happen to think that all of
the top winning endurance horses out there are pretty attractive
individuals. I have yet to say, "Oh geeze, that horse that won was a
real pig". I can go out and find a horse that is attractive AND

Their is nothing wrong with cross breeding horses (ahem, Not dogs) in my
opinion (if you'd like to know my stance on dogs we can discuss it
offlist). But I refuse to believe that there is a need to make an Arab
look like another breed, and still be able to pass it off as a
purebred.( which it probably is not) Isn't this exactly what AHA just
got into such a turmoil over? If you are going to add a little
something extra, I'm sorry, but that is no longer an ARabian, might be a
nice horse, but it is NOT a purebred.

Ah well, enough for now, I'm off to ride my pretty AND functional


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