ridecamp@endurance.net: Re[2]: hoof supplements/bran

Re[2]: hoof supplements/bran

Kimberly Henneman (vuduvet@utah-inter.net)
Tue, 13 May 1997 21:57:49 +0100

Good comments Bonnie, but oils like Canola, Wheat Germ and some corn oils
are very high in vitamin E...almost like nature put it there on purpose.
THe fats that are uncooked but rather coldpressed will have the highest Vit
E levels.

The biggest problems with fats is the work and length of gut needed to
absorb them. Too much fat overwhelms the system and some passes out and
thus loose manure. Most horses probably should be supplemented with Vit E
(by itself...no Se) since most of our hays are low in it anymore.
Kim Henneman, DVM


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