---------- > From: D Bosma <dlbosma@iserv.net> > To: ride camp@endurance.net > Subject: RE: conditioning and work and family etc > Date: Wednesday, May 14, 1997 9:55 PM > > Why leave the kids at home? When my kids were little (5&6), I started
them > in distance riding. They conditioned with me. I could not go as fast as I > was used too but the songs, shared memories and laughter has more than
made > up for it. For a couple years I switched to competitive riding with the > family in tow. Also who conditions every day of the week? It isn't > necessary or beneficial for the horse. It takes 24-48 hours for a horse's > body to rebuild after a good workout. Jeannie Waldron conditions 2 times
a > week with a heart monitor and then longer rides on weekends. Cook in
bulk > and freeze meals ahead. I also have chore lists for each kid which they > have to meet in order to ride in the upcoming ride. With three juniors, > it's alot of packing/unpacking and horse care but it can be done.
Distance > riding neighbors and friends have lent us thier older seasoned horses to > campaign when we have asked. It can be done. Deb dlbosma@iserv.net >