I too lost my best friend in Jan. Dinomyte was my pride and joy. Always
ready to listen to problems and in his quiet way make me feel better. He was
always ready for a ride-sometimes he made them "interesting", sometimes we
just went quietly along enjoying each others company. We both loved our
endurance time together. One afternoon he kept nickering to me. I was busy
but he was insistant. Thank goodness I went to him. He wanted to be
scratched and seemed to want company. About 15 min later he let out a deep
breath- like a sigh, walked away, laid down. When I went to him he was gone.
He was 16. My solace is that he is in yr round green pastures with crystal
clear streams that he dosen't have to cross if he dosen't want to--no more
biting insects or mud or snow. I am so sorry for your loss and feel your