I have cleaned up the line length a bit.
>Date: Tue, 13 May 97 01:16:08 UT
>From: "Thomas Stovall, D.V.M." <STOVALLDVM@msn.com>
>To: [list deleted]
>Subject: FW: BCHC ALERT--NECKTIES - From the BCHC Communications Center
>From: easyrider@psnw.com
>Sent: Sunday, May 11, 1997 4:01 PM
>To: Thomas Stovall, D.V.M.; Charles H. BCHC) Wood
>Backcountry Horsemen of California:
>I received this alert from a Forest Service Friend that received it
>through their office. It seemed important enough to forward on through
>the web for your consideration. It didn't happen in California but he
>thought because we (Toby & Katie Horst) were going to do 6 weeks of
>Forest Service volunteer work this summer in the wilderness that we
>should know. As you may know Tom, we are organizing 6 week long trips
>this summer to do trail maintenance under a volunteer work agreement in
>the Sierra National Forest Wilderness Areas. Each Trip will have 10 BCHC
>people. This is what prompted his concern.
>Toby & Katie Horst:
>This is the same information I gave to you in hard copy and I would
>suggest you make all of the volunteers aware of it that are working
>with you this summer.
>Sad that things are getting to be this way but best be cautious. Also
>if you do see any suspicious looking devices this summer of any kind
>please let the District know so they can alert the Law Enforcement
>Thanks and Have a Great Summer!
>Tom Baxter:
>Region IV Law Enforcement & Investigations
>Humboldt Toiyabe National Forest's
>MAY 1, 1997
>On April 29, 1997, a US Forest Service employee observed a loose coil
>of wire along a Forest Service road in Pine Creek Campground (Central
>The wire extended up into the trees where it crossed the road at a
>height of about 7'. The wire had been stretched tight and tied off
>on each end. One end had been securely tied off to a rock (softball
>size), to act as a weight. It was suspected that the rock was used to
>toss the wire into the trees at the height they desired. At this
>height, the wire will catch most horse riders at mid-chest to neck
>height. Due to the nature of this injurious device and for future
>references, we'll be calling these "wire neckties" from here on out.
>A Forest Service LEO was called and responded. He found another
>necktie on a horse trail that borders the upper end of the campground.
>This Forest development trail originates from a developed equestrian
>trailhead near the campground and accesses the Alta Toquima Wilderness.
>This second necktie was stretched tightly across the horse trail at
>about 75" above the ground.
>Located in and tied to pinyon trees, the wire is extremely hard to
>see. This wire is about the diameter of a round tooth pick, grey in
>color and pliable.
> Based on the location of the wire, the manner in which it was tied
>off, there is no doubt this is a purposeful act, designed to injure
>and potentially kill a person riding this trail while on horseback.
>So far, no other neckties have been found. We do not know if this device
>is intended for horsemen in general or specifically towards wilderness
>users, cattlemen, outfitters or pleasure riders. We plan to develop a
>flier with photos, for public use that will warn horsemen of this
>potential safety situation in the areas where they ride.
>We suggest that as you are performing your spring facility inspections,
>to watch for this situation. In addition, for those who have permittee
>meetings yet to conduct, please share this information with them as well.
>If any are found, we request LE&I be notified immediately and DO NOT
>take the wire down, but remain there until someone from LEI can respond.
>Also, please contact S/A Charlie Vaughn as soon as you can (702-289-3031).
> This case is being jointly investigated by USFS LEI & Nye County
>Sheriff Department.
----------------------end forwarded message-------------------------------
-- Sallijan Snyder sallijan@ix.netcom.com San Jose, California, USA (408) 629-5909 Member: Santa Clara County Horsemen's Association Internet Z Car Club (#42)