1. The only term of enderment you hear is "give me your damn horse and go
sit down and get out of the way."
2. You are told to shut up, stop whining and eat.
3. You are reminded that your horse came through with all A's and the rider
is the limiting factor in the team.
4. At 80 miles with raw hide, you are reminded that the horse is fine and
your crew has been working for 12 hours and yes you are going to finsish.
You are then given some Advil and told to get back on your horse!
5. You are reminded that the Big Mac and fries you ordered at the last
check are cold because you the rider have been loafing.
6. Electrolytes are given to you the same way they are given to your horse.
7. At the finish line after you fall off your horse trying to dismount with
dignity, you are given a big hug and told to go off to bed - the crew will
take it from here.
Truman Prevatt
Mystic "The Horse form Hell" Storm with a lille hellion on the way
Danson "Deamon in Training" Flame
Sarasota, FL