Less humorous notes while the brain is still debriefing for Monday morning:
It is mind boggling that the following could all happen, mostly within the
first 25 miles on a beautiful and carefully marked trail during a picture
perfect day. But it did.
One broken arm, one collar bone, one horse over backwards resulting in
neurological problems, one serious tieup in the first seven miles, The first
three 25-milers in eliminated for serious lameness problems, many unplanned
dismounts, falls and trips, including Valerie Kanavy who won't be turning
her head for a while, but is REALLY grateful that the helmet split open
rather than her . . . .
Hey, it is mother's day, let's all be a little more cautious for the sake
of the mothers who worry so.
P.S. I know what people want to know was how everyone finished, but with all
the triage, I only know the top five 100-milers and how I did on the 50. I
must leave the complete results to a better journalist :-