ridecamp@endurance.net: Re;to tie or not to tie
Re;to tie or not to tie
Ann Hatfield (keithr@nocdc.bc.ca)
Sat, 10 May 1997 22:25:18 -0700
I don't tie our horses in our 4 horse stock trailer. On short trips I
don't even put on shipping boots. This no tie business began with a mare
who doesn't tie at all well. Her partner in the compartment therefore
couldn't be tied in case she pushed her way under his lead rope and caused
a wreck. The wreck was me at first wondering if they were going to step
all over one another. They didn't. We now haul all 4 pasture mates loose.
So far so good. Three are hauled rear end forward. Number 4 is not so lucky
as he can't be turned around after loading and so must travel front
forward. Given their freedom all our horses turn rear-end -forward and
brace their rumps against a bulkhead if they need to. They eat throughout
the trip and arrive in reasonably non-stressed condition. All now load
readily and that sure was not the case when hauling tied, in a narrow
front-forward trailer.
I am working on a rope divider to run at right angles to the one central
metal divider (your typical stock trailer). With it I can trailer horses
who are not so fond of one another. It won't stop kicking nearly as
effectively as would a partial metal divider running fore and aft but I
have yet to figure out how to arrange such a thing at right angles to the
big centre divider.
and the antique Appaloosa
the retired distance 1/2 Arab (hey, this horse show business is o.k.)
the little Polish Arab who didn't go for meat
and Buddy What's His Name-the 1/2 Quarter horse mistake
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