ridecamp@endurance.net: Re: Requirements for Husband /Crews

Re: Requirements for Husband /Crews

tina hicks (hickst@puzzler.nichols.com)
Fri, 09 May 1997 08:46:30 -0500

At 08:52 AM 5/9/97 -0400, Flemmer, Linda wrote:

>>If you "shop" for a boyfriend/husband to crew, you need to find an organized,
>>neat person who owns a truck, who can feed you, offer you a drink, and
>>tighten your girth all at the same time! They should be able to call out
>>your placing (even if it is 99/120), direct you to the in timer, trot out the
>>horse, and give you ANOTHER copy of the ride map.
and we won't mention what is expected from the wife for all this :-))

even t-totally non-horsie guys can be roped in occasionally. My husband
hardly knows the back end from the front end of a horse but did a great job
crewing for me at a ride (as in ONE ride <g>). Course I had an 8 hour drive
to prime him <g>. After the first check he pretty much had it all together.
The first check he forgot the stethoscope (was an away check) but the rest
of the day he did fine.

He also has this bizarre ability to mentally keep up with the whole pack in
terms of placing w/out once going to the out timer......I happened to be
running top ten at that ride (for the last time for a long time it seems
<g>) and at the checks he kept me updated by just watching folks come in and
either pass or get pulled - at each check he was able to say - "okay, so and
so pulled, so and so came in ahead of john doe so you're now in such and
such place by X minutes..."

I am usually so busy doing my own thing when I don't have a crew that I
hardly even remember to get my placing at all so this was a real
treat....it's always nice to know where you are in the pack *no matter*
where that placing is. I like to know if I'm 2nd from the last just as well.

I just kept thinking "how does he do that"? :-))

And boy was it nice to have someone to share the driving on the way home -
that's the only part I really dislike about doing it alone - the 6 or 8 hour
drive home alone - yuck!
Tina Hicks | Huntsville, AL
Southeast Endurance Riders Association - http://www.hsv.tis.net/~slilly/
Eastern Time Zone Squad - http://www.hsv.tis.net/~slilly/etzhome.htm

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