Duncan Fletcher
> From: NagsRMe@aol.com
> To: ridecamp@endurance.net
> Subject: Re: Trailer Woes
> Date: Tuesday, May 06, 1997 6:42 PM
> In a message dated 97-05-06 13:54:54 EDT, you write:
> << Long ago I pulled my TB Miley 2 horse, and 1100 lb TB gelding (3200 +)
> with
> an 85 Jeep Cherokee (V6). Worked ok for around town, but downhill runs
> weren't fun. Can you say 'fishtail'? Make sure the vehicle you pull
> can handle the weight of what you are pulling. Its more than just how
> (or slow) you can get somewhere. <g> If you're hauling a Brenderup
> (spelling?) and 1 horse you'd probably be fine.
> >>
> Actually, chances are, you'd be fine in a Brenderup with two horses. The
> Brenderup truly is made for pulling behind just about anything due to
> unique design, surge breaks, tongue weight (only 150lbs) and total
> weight (my '89 weighs 1800lbs). I've pulled mine carrying two horses
> two different kinds of SUVs, a GMC Jimmy and a Mitusubishi Montero. Both
> an outstanding job. I only wish my 4 horse aluminum trailer pulled half
> securely as my good old Brenderup!