ridecamp@endurance.net: PHF


Bruce Saul (kitten@resp-sci.arizona.edu)
Wed, 7 May 97 16:28:28 MST

> Date: Wed, 07 May 1997 08:02:59 -0400
> From: "C.M.Newell" <reshan@deyr.ultranet.com>
> To: ridecamp@endurance.net
> Subject: Re: Vaccinations
> Message-Id: <>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
> >... I think you'd have to do a separate stick for the PHF. I hated
> >that shot for the way the horses swelled up at the shot site from it. Thank
> >goodness that is not a vacine that is needed in Arizona, being mosquito
> >bourne, and there aren't any here, so no PHF problem.
> >
> Umm, PHF is not mosquito borne, to anyone's knowledge. The vector
> has, as yet, not been identified, though ticks are suspected.
> --CMNewell, DVM

I beg to differ with the original poster, Arizona most definitely HAS
mosquitos! I get eaten on a regular basis during the summer, I've already
gotten several bites. In addition the TV news here in Tucson is warning us
about Dengue Fever which is a mosquito borne parasitic disease that is moving
up from Mexico (affects only humans that I am aware of) and of VEE which we
vaccinated for this year that is carried by mosquitos. In addition while
PHF is not endemic to Arizona there have been a few isolated cases up in
the Phoenix area and my vet does recommend vaccination for PHF. What we
generally don't vaccinate for is Strangles, which even though it does occur
here is usually mild because of our temps. The vets here would rather see
a horse catch it and get over it than vaccinate for it. I did all the vacs
recommended by my vet and those were, Tetanus, EEE, WEE, VEE, Flu, Rhino,
Rabies (very necessary in this area), and PHF. Some people confuse Lime
disease with PHF, Lime is not a problem for this area, having not yet become

Tracy and everybody

Tracy Scheinkman
Misty Mountain Arabian Sport Horses
Tucson, AZ

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