ridecamp@endurance.net: Tevis '97 TRAIL CHANGE Thru Todds Valley

Tevis '97 TRAIL CHANGE Thru Todds Valley

Larry Suddjian (wstf@foothill.net)
Tue, 06 May 1997 22:23:54 -0700

Attention all entrants, and potential entrants, for the Western States
Trail Ride ~ "The Tevis Cup 100 Miles One Day Ride".

After using the so-called "California Street Trail" out of Foresthill
since 1982 we have decided to route the Ride up through the Historic
Trail in parts of Todds Valley for the 1997 Ride. The change will take
place at the point on the Trail known as "CAL #2" and/or Peachstone.
This transition place is about half-way through the CA Street Trail
(about 1-3/4 hours at a medium trot from Foresthill). The Western
States "FUN RIDE II" held April 26 used this new section for the route
up to the old WS Trail and travelled to White Oak Flat.

Riders will like the friendliness of the community and perhaps a quicker
Ride on the way to the Vet Check known as White Oak Flat. NO CREWS
be provided by the same volunteer team that you have all known to
welcome from their helping hand at Francisco's. After leaving WOF you
will travel down the road - 2.8 miles - to Francisco's then on to
Poverty Bar and the next Vet Check at the LOWER QUARRY.

The distance is about the same via WOF to Francisco's and the Cut-Off
time to White Oak Flat will remain the same as it was to Francisco's ~
1:30 AM , however this cut-off time is subject to modification as we get
closer to Ride Day but in any event, the cut-off time will be confirmed
at the pre-Ride meeting.

The new route is partially marked with yellow ribbons from the CA #2
transition. As riders continue their conditioning, we will improve the
marking. If you would like a copy of the map for the "new trail", let
us know your snail mail or fax so we can send off. We hope to have the
new trail map on our WebSite within the near future.

Applications for entry are still being accepted and we are worried that
the Ride will fill up fast and cause the waiting list to grow when
everyone hears that the Trail will be re-routing through parts of Todds
Valley so if you haven't submitted your application, do not delay. We
hope to have the Trail route through Todds Valley every fifth year...we
need to be sure the old Historic WS Trail isn't lost.

Check our WebSite at http://www.foothill.net/tevis for additional
information about Trail conditions and Trail work parties.

Hope to see you at Robie Park on July 18th.

Larry Suddjian, Ride Director
701 High Street, Suite 228C
Auburn CA 95603
916/823-7901 (FAX)

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