One time I had to haul my (quarter) horse using my neighbor's trailer
that looked like it had been built for Arab/Chihuahua cross's and I got
my horse in there by doing the exact same thing - pull the divider over
and rig another butt line. Worked very well and I always use that
config when using a single horse in a two horse inline...
Mike and Buster
Redmond, WA
> -----Original Message-----
> From: []
> Sent: Monday, May 05, 1997 9:47 AM
> To:
> Subject: Re: Scramblers
> Did you try switching sides? Often a horse will scramble when loaded
> on one
> side but not the other. If not, slant load should do it. I hauled my
> gelding, a dream to haul, with a horse that freaked out mid trip.
> Ever since
> then he freaked when hauled on the left. I still have my 2 horse
> inline, but
> swung over the divider so he has no divider to lean on and can stand
> slant.
> If I haul 2 horses I swing the divider back and haul him on the
> right, the
> other horse on the left. I had butt bars made for the trailer that I
> can use
> when the divider is out to keep him from sitting on the back door.
> I've been
> hauling this way for years now without problem. With the divider over
> you
> never even know he's in there, just like before I did a favor and
> hauled a
> strangers strange horse from a ride. I should have known - something
> weird
> when someone gets to a ride but somehow ends up with no ride from.
> Should
> have figured something wrong...<wry g>
> BTW - Getting ready to order a new 2 horse slant trailer. <g>