P.S. Also, EQUUS Issue #210 (April 1995) has an article called the HORSE
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From: MARDIP@aol.com
Date: Mon, 5 May 1997 12:47:02 -0400 (EDT)
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To: ridecamp@endurance.net
Subject: Re: Scramblers
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Did you try switching sides? Often a horse will scramble when loaded on one
side but not the other. If not, slant load should do it. I hauled my
gelding, a dream to haul, with a horse that freaked out mid trip. Ever since
then he freaked when hauled on the left. I still have my 2 horse inline, but
swung over the divider so he has no divider to lean on and can stand slant.
If I haul 2 horses I swing the divider back and haul him on the right, the
other horse on the left. I had butt bars made for the trailer that I can use
when the divider is out to keep him from sitting on the back door. I've been
hauling this way for years now without problem. With the divider over you
never even know he's in there, just like before I did a favor and hauled a
strangers strange horse from a ride. I should have known - something weird
when someone gets to a ride but somehow ends up with no ride from. Should
have figured something wrong...<wry g>
BTW - Getting ready to order a new 2 horse slant trailer. <g>
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Date: Mon, 5 May 1997 12:36:39 -0400
To: ridecamp@endurance.net
From: truman.prevatt@netsrq.com (Truman Prevatt)
Subject: Re: 100 milers
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>I have been reading with great interest, the discussion concerning 100 mile
>rides. It has been my goal since my first 25 mile competitive ride 7 years
>ago to someday "do" 100 miles. Three horses later, I have finally reached
>the point where I can consider doing a 100 mile ride. Now the question is
>where and when. Can anyone offer some hints as to a good first 100 to do in
>the NE region? I am planning on doing the Nittany 2 day 100 in July but I
>realize it's just not the same accomplishment as a 1 day 100. Thanks for any
>help and advise you can give me.
>Sallie and Matty (the longer we ride the stronger he gets)
A long drive but Long Leaf in Nov would be a good first 100. The trails
are pretty and the terrain is not too difficult and it is an easy ride to
ride in the dark. There are no easy 1 day 100's - only easier ones.
Truman Prevatt
Mystic "The Horse form Hell" Storm with a lille hellion on the way
Danson "Deamon in Training" Flame
Sarasota, FL