ridecamp@endurance.net: RE: Very Sad First CTR (and Long)

RE: Very Sad First CTR (and Long)

Flemmer, Linda (LFlemmer@CHKD.com)
Mon, 5 May 1997 11:05:12 -0400

>This weekend we tried our first 25 mile, ECTRA sanctioned
>ride (In Eastern MA). Got into camp and put a cooler on the horse and got him
>under as much shelteras I could. Waited FOREVER for P&R.
I've ridden ECTRA before - if things weren't done on time, you need to
write it down on the ride evaluation form. If their are enough
legitimate complaints, the ride will not receive star rating next year,
or may even not be sanctioned.

>The poor ponieshad to stand in the rain (so did we). We were afraid to walk
>them or anything since P&R were due any moment.

If your horse has truely recovered, their heart rate should plummet when
they stop walking. It sounds like your P&R's have a good margin for
"fudging" before you ever begin losing points. In bad weather, cover up
& WALK! Massage isn't a bad idea either. His pulse rate may be up if
he's shivering, cramping, hurting... so walking may help more than you

>Still, a kind word or explanation to a newbe would have been nice. I
>really do try very hard.

If a judge is looking at 30-50 riders, they don't have time to chat
unless you go to them. I'd walk back after vetting was finished and ask
for his/her opinion. It's done all the time. Don't feel picked on.

>The muscles in his stifle area were sore.
>What did I do wrong? Did he get too cold?
Yes, he was probably cold & cramping from the weather. It's happened to
me before, too. I usually chalk it up to poor post ride management on
my part - I feel like if that was the reason he cramped, then it was
preventable. It always hurts to see a horse who works so hard for you
not feel right.

>Was it the borium on his back shoes?
Possibly, if he's not used to it. NEVER doing anything new at a
competition!!!! The borium does not allow the foot any slide or give -
they can pull their stifle. Cold or Borium, he needs to be turned out
or worked lightly at a walk if you're sure it is a pull. Get the Borium
off NOW! It definitely isn't helping his recovery. It is also
possible he slipped on the wet ground and pulled the stifle. (Borium
doesn't help with mud.) Have him stretch the leg, massage it, and put
moist heat on it. (Warm a gel pad, or warm towels.)

>Should I ride alone so I can set a slower pace (since we ride
alone a lot, I know he'd do it for me.

ALWAYS ride your own ride!!! That is up there with NEVER try anything
new at a ride! You made it sound like your horse cantered more than
usual, and the pace was faster than normal for you. That can be a
killer right there. If you can, ride alone. If people aren't going
your pace, pull ahead or drop back & let them go. (OTOH, if you meet a
compatibly paced horse, company can be nice on boring rides.)

Good luck. You DID complete 25 miles even if you didn't get an award.
You traveled EVERY step of it!

Linda Flemmer
Chesapeake, VA
>soon to be Bruceton Mills, WV

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