ridecamp@endurance.net: RE: Puller

RE: Puller

Mike Sofen (a-miksof@MICROSOFT.com)
Fri, 2 May 1997 07:46:33 -0700


Any GOOD trainer will tell you that a horse that pulls is simply trying
to see what's underneath the post he's tied to... :-)

I always tie high - withers height - as a high tie reduces their
leverage. If the inner tube is scaring him, them try one of those
rubber trailer ties. If that scares him then see if you can get him
some Quarterhorse gene therapy...

Mike Sofen & Buster (If I gallop the whole way do I get to eat sooner?)
Redmond, WA

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Cheryl Newbanks [SMTP:horsetrails@inficad.com]
> Sent: Friday, May 02, 1997 7:23 AM
> To: ridecamp@endurance.net
> Subject: Puller
> This is sorta of endurance related because if you can't tie your
> horse, then
> it is hell camping with them! I have a horse who has justed started
> pulling
> when tied. I use an unbreakable rope halter on him, and I've tried
> the
> truck tire intertube, but that freaks him out too. He is an arab who
> is
> just getting over a traumatic life. Sometimes I think his eye sight
> is
> screwy because he isn't too jazzed about shadows either and their are
> a few
> other sight related things he does. Anyway I think my hitching post
> may be
> too low, and I was wondering if I made a taller one if that would
> help, I
> read somewhere that a low hitching post will make a puller pull. Also
> are
> there any training tips you all use to solve this problem? This is
> the
> horse I was going to sell, Kidd Dynamite, and have decided to keep
> because I
> fell in love with him! (Darn, now I have to many horses:} He is
> doing
> great though, in fact he may go to our first endurance ride with us if
> I can
> solve this pulling problem.
> Meanwhile Jihad is doing good at the trainers, getting over his saddle
> phobia and moving wonderfully. He is fully bitted now and we will
> start
> riding him again next week! I can't wait. Since I've been on this
> list
> I've gone from no horses, to 4 horses 3 of which are arabs. I have
> really
> lucked out on the arab side. All my guys are of calm temperment, even
> Kidd
> who is slowly coming around. They rarely ever spook and are mellower
> on the
> trail then any of the other horses I ride with. I have found that an
> arab
> will be what ever you want it to be. They are a very versatile breed,
> we
> use ours for gymkhanas, I will be taking 1st level dressage soon,
> Jessica
> jumps with hers, these horses can do anything!
> Cheryl Newbanks
> ~~^** Just In Time Ranch
> ~~}_ _~~ /\| Buckeye, AZ
> ( )__, ) ~ horsetrails@inficad.com
> // \\
> \\ //
> ** **


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