ridecamp@endurance.net: Re: doing 100s

Re: doing 100s

tina hicks (hickst@puzzler.nichols.com)
Thu, 01 May 1997 09:59:07 -0500

At 09:32 AM 5/1/97 -0500, Michael K. Maul wrote:

>its partly a social thing for me. i want to have some "fun"
>associated with this as well as the achievement.
>doing a 50 - i get a chance to do this.

regarding 100s-
>when i finish - only the 100s are left - and they are just as tired as
>i am. no socialization in this.
no dumping from me mike - i think this aspect is very important to some and
not as important to others - I too like this part of the weekend - from
getting to camp and chatting with folks to hanging out after the ride at the
dinner or awards or whatever the function is.

>and in our region - ct - we may have between 2 and 4 people doing
>a hundred at many rides. my first 100 had 6 entries - with only
>one finisher. i like to have people to ride with during the ride.
>that too is part of what i want to get out of a ride.

i met a lady over the internet recently, experience trail rider when she
contacted me, wanted to try endurance, etc....to make a long story short we
did some training this winter/spring and she ended up coming over and doing
an LD ride this spring. afterwards I asked her if she liked it and her
answer was - yes, but I do not like riding alone. I never really thougt
about it till then but this sport does often involve long stretches on the
trail where it's just you, the horse, and the birds. I happen to enjoy that
for the most part. Sure, it gets lonely sometimes and it is fun to be
trucking down the trail with a partner but that aspect alone isn't enough
to deter me from the sport.

However, for her it was. She much prefers riding with folks. To her that's

I hafta admit tho I had no idea either there was so much alone time - you
would think that starting out on a trail with 50 or 60 other riders you
would always have some company - but not so!

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