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Subject: The AERC weight classes
Author: ridecamp@endurance.net at smtp
Date: 4/30/97 2:51 PM
from the rules page at www.aerc.com
8.5.2 There are also weight divisions within the Senior Division.
Competitors are recorded in weight divisions as indicated in
the ride results. Heavyweight consisting of riders whose combined
body weight and tack is 211 pounds or more. Middleweight, consisting of riders whose combined
body weight and tack is from 186 to 210 pounds. Lightweight, consisting of riders whose combined
body weight and tack is from 161 to 185 pounds. Featherweight, consisting of riders whose combined
body weight and tack is 160 pounds or below. For a rider to stay within a weight division he/she
must meet the minimum requirement but need not stay under
the maximum parameter.
8.5.3 Each rider riding for weight division points may be weighed
at any ride. Any other rider has the right to challenge the
weight of a competitor and request a weighing. Management must exercise reasonable discretion in
making allowances for normal weight loss of rider during
competition and inaccuracy of ride scales. (A 4% allowance
applied evenly to all competitors would be reasonable.)
houston, tx