I was sitting on my hands trying not to clutter the list and respond to this,
but couldn't help myself. This person gets the hair up on the back of my
neck just like the sociopaths do in the ER. As charge nurse and the one with
the most psychiatric experience I direct my staff not to respond to behavior
that is inflammatory in anyway....they must totally ignore it , otherwise it
is secondary gains for the issuer...they just love to see us get uptight.
Only appropriate behavoir is recognized IN ANY WAY. (of course
inappropriate physical behavoir winds them up in 4 point restraints!) Can
we on the list all get into a huddle and agree to ignore the inflammatory
posts? If a post doesn't receive any response don't you think that's going
to dissappoint them more than anything else?
I think Steph and crew do a great job....but censorhip should not be one of
their duties....not to mention it doesn't correlate with the 1st
Let's treat these inflammatory people the way we train our horses....only
reward appropriate behavoir. And while I'm still standing on my soap box, let
me say would all the people in glass houses please stop throwing stones at
Teddy....I was wondering if I missed the announcement of a new national past