I had a few features that were important to me in saddles and that
eliminated a few right there. For myself, I wanted an english style
girth not a western cinch. I wanted western style stirrups so my thighs
would not be pinched by english leathers when I rode in shorts. I wanted
a balanced seat, not a forward type english or a laid back western style
with feet sticking way in front. Comfort and lightweight were also
important. And being a heavier rider, I wanted a large weight bearing
area for my horses back.
For my needs I choose a Synergist Ultra Endurance Saddle. I have had it
a few weeks now and love it. I haven't put many miles on it yet, so the
real test will be in a year or so when I have more miles in it. The only
thing so far that I don't like, is my loop of rein that hangs down on
the right side gets caught on the water bottle holder. For now, I took
off the water bottle holder, but when the hot weather comes around I
guess I'll have to get longer reins.
Choosing a saddle is a personal choice and not one saddle is right for
everyone. Ask a lot of questions and research all you can. Even with all
your hard work and research, the saddle you choose does not work out,
don't feel bad, it has happened to many of us.
Lauren (listening to that new saddle squeak, squeak, squeak, with every
step Kyla takes)