ridecamp@endurance.net: Trip to CA

Trip to CA

Thomas, Barbara (thomas@sri.org)
Tue, 29 Apr 1997 14:45:21 -0500

To anyone in the Thousand Oaks, CA area, I will be visiting there this
weekend to "look around". I'd be interested to meet or talk to any
endurance riders in the area, particularly to discuss places to board,
vets, farriers, rides, and the dreaded rumored high cost of living! I'm
currently in the Northeast (Maryland). A phone call (collect) is
preferred but email is OK. Barb Thomas 1-301-963-6574, evenings
(afternoon to y'all in "Maryland talk") or thomas@sri.org. Thanks a

Barb, Katie, Whisper (the ancient one), and Wind Dancer (who lives up to
the name)

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