I would advise Tommy Crockett to pursue litigation against Teddy, AERC and
the operator of this service as he is obviously a person of low character in
my opinion based on the content of Teddy's posting in the March archive which
MUST be valid due to its' current and continued availability to the general
public via the ridecamp archives.
I am advising AERC to consider distancing themselves as much as possible from
the future operation of this web service and to further demand the operator
remove any AERC registered trademarks or literature from this system lest
AERC find itself the co-defendant in any future slander or liable suit
attributed in whole or in part to the message content of this system.
And since Teddy thinks it appropriate to voice "opinions" of individuals and
companies on this service based on her "experience" with them, I would inform
all of you that I went to a ride and found myself with two horses and only
one heart monitor. I asked Teddy if she sold heart monitors and she said she
did but was "sold out". This was the day before the ride on a weekend.
Immediately following the ride Teddy approached me and stated she now had
"one heart monitor" for sale. I inquired if it was new and unused and Teddy
stated it was.
I quess Teddy Fed-Ex'd it in overnight air mail and parachuted it into base
camp, surely she would not have allowed someone to "borrow" it for the ride I
was in and then try to sell it to me as "new and unused".
Caveat Emptor baby....