<< The horse has been sound since I bought her, but she has had a misterious
lameness the last two months, she was bare foot ..put shoes on, but she has
round scraps on both fetlocks on the outside. When I put protective boots
on her she was stepping on them, so is this a farrier , vet or none of the
above problem. Also its very muddy here. Shes still barn sour, but doing
better, to get her to do endurance, I may have to teach her how to ride
Susan & the oh-so round Coco Puff
Oregon, U.S.A.
Scraps??? Do you mean round WOUNDS? if so, this is interference, not forging.
Interference comes from fatigue, bad shoing, muscle soreness mostly.
Forging if when the hind foot hits the shoe of the front foot..you can
usually hear this "clicking" as the horse trots..this comes from bad shoing,
fatigue, muscle soreness as well as in young horses who have just not yet
learned how to get out of their own way. What kind of protective boots are
you using? Is this on front or back legs..on ankle or pastern or somewhere
else? Boots do not SOLVE problems, they protect UNTIL problems are solved.
You say "scraps" on outside? Is this the front legs? What angle is your
horse shod at?
Glad to help..just need more details...